Tuesday, October 28, 2008

You're Uninteresting, No YOU'RE Uninteresting!

I really do love chatting with some readers that have contacted me on Yahoo! messenger. It's nice to connect with someone, answer any questions they have, or just shoot the breeze. Unfortunately every once in a while I get some real idiots.

His name has been changed to protect his stupidity. He'd been iming (im-ing? What's the proper grammar for this?) me while I was offline for a few weeks now, but he never said anything interesting enough for me to respond to. Finally he caught me tonight while I was online, and this is what transpired, word for word, only occasional edited for clarity, and of course, I had to throw comments in (in parenthesis):

uninteresting idiot: hey!
grrlbareback: do i know you? is there a reason you keep im-ing me?
uninteresting idiot: sorry
uninteresting idiot: I think I saw you either on Craigslist or Literotica
grrlbareback: ok
grrlbareback: but i don't think so (I don't think so because I've never put my yahoo id on CL, and I don't write on Literotica)
uninteresting idiot: oh
uninteresting idiot: I didn't know you had a blog
uninteresting idiot: so do you just write bareback stories? or do you and your boyfriend love bareback sex?
grrlbareback: why dont you read instead of asking (I'm already highly annoyed. I have no patience for stupidity or laziness.)
uninteresting idiot: I am, very interesting
grrlbareback: then why would you ask such a question?
uninteresting idiot: Is there anything I can help you with, sexy?
grrlbareback: ummm no
grrlbareback: is there something i can help you with?
uninteresting idiot: are you a filthy, slutty cunt?
grrlbareback: again, why don't you read and find out
uninteresting idiot: I already have.
uninteresting idiot: Do you want to be fucked roughly and hard and studded and bred like a slutty little bitch?
(I just didn't answer for about 5 minutes, as my patience had just about run out.)
uninteresting idiot: maybe that was too forward ;)
grrlbareback: maybe you're just an asshole
uninteresting idiot: true
uninteresting idiot: nice FAQ
(Another 5 or so minutes pass. I thought he might just go away.)
uninteresting idiot: are you on the pill?
grrlbareback: it's not your problem whether i am or not
uninteresting idiot: i know
uninteresting idiot: what if you get pregnant?
grrlbareback: it's not your problem
uninteresting idiot: i know
uninteresting idiot: it'd be hot to get you pregnant
grrlbareback: even if you did, you'd never know
uninteresting idiot: yup
uninteresting idiot: do you like the risk, the feeling of bare skin, or the creamy load the most?
grrlbareback: i thought you said you read my blog?
uninteresting idiot: parts of it
grrlbareback: i suggest you read more before you keep asking stupid questions
uninteresting idiot: uh huh
grrlbareback: http://barebackgrrl.blogspot.com/2008/09/yes-barebacking.html
uninteresting idiot: very nice
uninteresting idiot: what state are you in?
grrlbareback: are you blind? (It says where I am right at the top of the blog.)
uninteresting idiot: no?
uninteresting idiot: oh lol
uninteresting idiot: nyc kk
grrlbareback: you're a bright one
uninteresting idiot: haha thanks
uninteresting idiot: your stories are really interesting
grrlbareback: you're not interesting at all
uninteresting idiot: lol
uninteresting idiot: neither are you, actually
grrlbareback: oh well
(After 30 minutes without a response, I signed out.)

And then he finally stopped annoying me. I think my brain is bleeding after that exchange. Usually I'll bow out of a conversation graciously, but this idiot's persistence with offline IMs was astounding, as was his complete foolishness when he finally found me on. Despite his response that I'm uninteresting, I fully expect him to attempt to contact me again.


Anonymous said...

He was wrong, you're very interesting and I enjoy reading your blog. Please keep sharing your incredible sex life with the rest of us.

I loved the recent one in which you met that guy in a coffee shop and took him back to your place. He was one lucky man!

Unknown said...

What's that song from the Wizard of Oz again??

...If I only had a brain...

Can't wait till you post his next IM to you. Cause you know it's coming..

Anonymous said...

Darn... I'll have to make sure that I'm interesting then.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm a regular reader of "I'm Not a Sex Addict, I Don't Go to Meetings", and she suggested I take some time to read your blog. Your tales have me spellbound and I can't wait for more!
Sorry to see you were pestered by the inept with no concept of "taking the hint". Did he actually think you'd swoon over his messages? Wow...unbelievable!

From, "Non"Alaska

Richard said...

I am not familiar with IM, but can't you just block him?. Then again, sometimes we need someone around to amuse us.

Anonymous said...

That was mind bogglingly stupid! There are no words...

Buddha said...

I have a friend who does cam work. I popped into the "guest" portion of her chat one night just to say hi; it was amusing to watch these guys ask the same ridiculous questions - one right after the other (even though they knew she had already answered it). It's just dumb, lazy behavior.