Monday, January 11, 2010

Any tips and pointers for someone looking to start responding to CL casual encounters ads? How to stay safe and still have fun?

Honestly, I just seem to have good intuition when it comes to CL ads. Of course, I have a quirky little set of rules as well.

First, I start with the titles:

1. I don't even open any ads that have titles written all in caps.

2. No ads that mention kitty, roses, skiing, snow, $, $ in place of an S in any word, bunny, party, roll, or 420. There are others, but those are off the top of my head.

3. Bad spelling, cutesy spelling, numbers instead of words and text-speak get passed right by. If your ad says, "Needs sum1 2 relate 2" sorry, I'm definitely not her. Yes, spelling counts with me.

Once I do find an ad who's title is enough to make me open it, the worthiness is scrutinized again.

I pass ads by if:

1. it's a one liner.

2. there's a pic and it's one I've seen in 400 other ads over the years.

3. you demand "no picture, no reply" or "must include phone number for response."

I like an ad that says something to me. If the writer took their time to write something intelligent and intriguing, then they're looking to spend their time in a worthwhile way, and not just placing an ad in hopes that they'll get pictures of naked women emailed to them.

When I respond I keep it short and sweet. Two or three sentences: I respond in a manner that shows I actually read the ad, I provide the information the ad requested, and I say something about myself. If the email exchange goes well, I get a good feel for the person, it moves to the next level. This is RARE.

The only time most of these rules go out the window is if I'm looking for phone sex on CL. Another rarity. Spelling still does count, and turn that cap lock off. I also like to exchange a few emails before I'll call someone for a hot phone fuck, just to make sure there's a brain in there. And, if I get on the phone with you and you whisper, sound like you're reading from a script, or say nothing, I'm hanging up.

As for being safe: meet in a public place and spend some quality time chatting before you decide to fuck them. Does this ensure that you're not going home with Ted Bundy or Aileen Wuornos? Of course not, but I believe it lessens the chance of that. I also tell someone (usually M or Keith) where I'm going when I go on a CL meet.

Ad for men reading the W4M ads, at least on Craigslist in NYC, don't bother. 95% of them are fakes. I can't speak for other cities.

Ask me anything


David said...

So, are you saying the only way a smart, articulate, pervie guy has a chance to meet someone on CL is to post rather than to respond??

Bareback Grrl said...

No, those are *my* criteria for responding to a CL ad. If you want to hook up with an illiterate, one-liner writing, rose-collecting, ski bunny, then by all means, have fun.

David said...

Perhaps my question wasn't clear. I was responding to your last paragraph where you said, "And for men reading the W4M ads, at least on Craigslist in NYC, don't bother. 95% of them are fakes. I can't speak for other cities". So, while I agreed with everything you said about weeding out fakes in your criteria, I wondered whether you thought it would be a better idea to post rather than to respond to posts for men who can put a sentence together. I have no interest to hook up with an illiterate, one-liner writing, rose-collecting, ski bunny, thank you very much.

Bareback Grrl said...

Considering I said in my original post "don't bother" then I guess you already had my answer, hmm?

David said...

I'm a little confused why the confirmation came with such hostility, but, yes, I suppose I had the answer in its most basic form. Thanks. I enjoy your blog and I look forward to future posts.

Bareback Grrl said...

Perhaps I haven't been clear enough, or perhaps you've missed it, but I have little patience for stupidity, or for repeating myself.

David said...

My, my, my......I don't have patience for those things either. Please feel free to add another unwarranted, ugly last rejoinder to this, too.