Thursday, March 4, 2010

Have you ever in your life barebacked with with someone other than M without any contraception invovled?

I have, but it was years ago - in my teens. Absolutely irresponsible of me.

We miss you!

Thanks! I've missed writing, but I'm back!

I recently read going back through your blog, that M was your first, have you been with him since then; or have you gone and come back to him?

We've known each other all our lives, and first had sex in our early teens. We continued it on a fairly regular basis, but dated others until I was in college. We've been officially together since.

will you please post photos from time to time? It need not show your face. Thanks!

Sorry, it's not a risk we'd like to take. Not that either of us are ever nude in our professional lives, but it's just not a chance we want to take that somehow someone may recognize us in any way at all.

Ask me anything

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