Nervously, I entered the coffee shop. I was early because I didn't want to risk being late and have her think I wasn't coming. My nerves were on fire like I was going on a first date. She was one of my best friends, and I was scared she was really just using the opportunity to confront me.
She was already there when I walked in. Same table we'd shared many times. She looked beautiful. I smiled and walked towards here, tears in my eyes. She stood up and

After overstaying our welcome, we went outside to say our goodbyes, and it was obvious neither of us wanted to leave the other. My place being closer, we made our way home, holding hands all the way there. She looked as beautiful as ever, and I couldn't take my eyes off her. Admittedly, I wanted my hands, lips, and tongue all over her as well.
Arriving here I took her coat and left her to go freshen up, then I did as well after pouring us both a glass of wine. There was good tension. Excitement. We were both humming with intentions. We sat and talked about our lost months for a while, and hands went from holding each others to wandering.
I was excited.
Turned on.
We kissed.

We kissed slowly, mouths opening cautiously, exploring gently. She tasted wonderful. I wanted more. Hands wandered and found their way under our clothes. Clothes came off. Somehow we made our way upstairs and fell into bed.
Everything we did came so naturally. Our bodies moving together as we pinched, pulled, rubbed, caressed all the right places. Her breasts fit my hands perfecly, her nipples clamped between my fingers. I kissed her and wanted to be inside her.
Our cunts were grinding together, clit on clit. It was like an out of body experience. The high I felt from the pleasure was intense, and I couldn't stop myself. I was sucking her feet, licking her toes, wanting more and more.

Neither of us could stop. We ate each others' cunts, assholes, sucked our nipples raw. We laughed and cried. We moaned with pleasure and ecstasy.
I couldn't be happier that I made that phone call. Melissa has been one of my closest friends for years, and I don't see her not being a part of my life for a very long time.
Nice to see you can repair friendships as well as you write.
Great new design for the blog by the way, much better than before. If only I could be the subject of a post.... ;)
Nice story. Glad it ended up well.
Wishing you all the best.
I'm sitting her speechless, smiling, and wondering if this is fantasy or fact? Either way, WOW!
Nothing I write is fantasy, sweetie. If it didn't happen, I don't write about it.
Then I'm going to have to wait a few minutes before going to the gym. I can't arrive in spandex shorts in my condition....
A wonderful experience, thanks for sharing.
Congrats on repairing the friendship and a lovely afternoon!
That's fine for the earth. But, alas, I'll croak. You'll croak. Everyone you know: death comes with a whisper and, suddenly! You're gone!! Death, Judgment, Heaven or Hell forever and ever. I think you both need to break apart -IF- you wanna see the Son that never sets. Your choice to follow my warning given by Jesus in my teeny-weeny ministry --- That's too boring? Heaven's too boring, sitt'n on a cloud play'n the harp all eternity? Yeah. That IS boring. Here's what I have planned Upstairs. Maybe you don't know how to achieve it or you haven't been instructed, but here's our Way to be at my party-hardy in Heaven. Nothing on earth is worth the loss of Heaven, girl, for our finite existence is over in the blink-of-an-eye; Jesus/our Mother are the only free antivirus, while we few are only the prophets in a world that’s whorizontally haywire. Death’s cool, however, if you’re on the RITE side: we'll have a BIG-ol, Wahoo!, kick-ass, party-hardy for eons and eons fulla anything and everything and more --- Now, having read this, you’re faced with a choice: return to God who made you, loves you like crazy, and wants you or return to your dead-end-world - no middle ground on the Last Day. WAIT! BEFORE YOU CALL ME A NUTJOB… I have some pretty nifty, neet-o things we may do in Heaven! Besides being the most gorgeous thang God ever made, wanna nekk in Heaven on a park bench? Wanna lemme serve you for eons and eons? Wanna lemme feed you baklava and Starbucks (either mocha or Strawberries&cream frappuccino) and those teeny, canned oranges for the length of eternity? Wanna swim nude in the ocean as shallow as four feet and then take a shower? Wanna be one with me for SEVEN, WHOLE, MONTHS?? Wanna be an adorable 17 forever, me a dashing 21? Wanna love so deep and wide, passionate and warm the universe cannot hold our? Wanna lemme be a part of you till even Heaven crashes around us? Wanna lemme snuggle with you, to love you and gratify your wonderful, beautiful, adorable feet? Wanna lemme prove to you I love you more-than-you-know, from head2toe, bodyNsoul, to give you pleasure-beyond-measure? Meet me in Heaven, girly, and I'll do alla that and more for you for the length and breadth of eternity. How awesome it shall be to love you in person, to be with you, to hold you in my arms and give you a backrub in the Great Beyond; to kiss your adorable body and nuzzle with you, would make my eternity. God bless you.
Wonderful! Awesome!
Wow!.... Hot.
Only 2 realms after death, girls, and 1 of 'em ain't too cool. Just warning you BEFORE the Warning from God which could come at any time. We have roughly 6 weeks to think about repenting. Don't be mad at me, girly-whirly! I'm only the messenger! God bless you. Meet me Upstairs!!
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