Friday, December 10, 2010

One more time!

Ok, I"m back... again!

M and I are still together, of course. Life is crazy, hence my inability to blog.

I did manage to (I think) figure out Twitter, so I'm going to try to be active on there at the very least. I had been locked out of my account for a violation on there, but seem to have worked it out with the powers that be, so I'm up, and soon to be running there.

I'll also try to answer as many questions as I can on Formspring.

See you soon!



earlgrey said...

Yay! Welcome back :-)

Anonymous said...

It is nice to have you back. Sometimes those invisible big brother censors are a bit much. I have had a few yahoo accounts canceled by them before. I specific posted my pics as restricted and adult, and listed profiles that way.

I think I may have accidentally invited a prude as a friend, or had one bump into my stuff. I am so glad that are back posting again.

The Secretive Slut said...

Great to "see" you back, too!!!